Подкаст #05: Не делай добра – не п… просто не делай.

Zip File, iTunes. На связи Денчик, а это значит, что ближайший час вам предстоит добровольно выслушивать мой мыслемёд на самые разные темы, так или иначе связанные с современным образованием. Нынче в меню исключительно серьёзные, местами даже занудные телеги про нелёгкий, и порою неблагодарный «труд отсроченного действия».

Подкаст #05: Не делай добра – не п… просто не делай.: 288 комментариев

    1. Just one dollar a month will not be reflected in your home budget, especially since you pay much more for the Internet and do not think about the costs, and your income will increase from month to month. You just need to program yourself to work for a long time in the digital business and remember that there are no freebies on the Internet. Money must be earned competently and honestly. To do this, there is a computer, the Internet and competent programmers — employers. On the Internet, 99.9% of all proposed projects for earnings are scams and hypes that are created by crooks and scammers. We are the 0.1% that people trust. We are not ashamed of our system! On the Internet, you will not find reviews from people who have been affected in our system. There are only a few paid fake experts who are trying to denigrate our company (although the <a and <a projects received <a from Yandex "a Site with a high degree of user engagement and loyalty")… These false experts advertise Scam banners on their websites, under the guise of alleged decency. This must be understood!

      Do you want to become a financially independent person? Go to our system where you will be helped, prompted and taught. We are in touch around the clock. <a



  1. Just one dollar a month will not be reflected in your home budget, especially since you pay much more for the Internet and do not think about the costs, and your income will increase from month to month. You just need to program yourself to work for a long time in the digital business and remember that there are no freebies on the Internet. Money must be earned competently and honestly. To do this, there is a computer, the Internet and competent programmers — employers. On the Internet, 99.9% of all proposed projects for earnings are scams and hypes that are created by crooks and scammers. We are the 0.1% that people trust. We are not ashamed of our system! On the Internet, you will not find reviews from people who have been affected in our system. There are only a few paid fake experts who are trying to denigrate our company (although the <a and <a projects received <a from Yandex "a Site with a high degree of user engagement and loyalty")… These false experts advertise Scam banners on their websites, under the guise of alleged decency. This must be understood!

    Do you want to become a financially independent person? Go to our system where you will be helped, prompted and taught. We are in touch around the clock. <a



  2. RUS
    Приглашаем к сотрудничеству деловых партнёров по международному легальному бизнесу. Международный клуб KENT создан в 2013 году на о.Тенерифе Канарские острова, Испания, для того, чтобы увеличивать доход своих партнеров, используя возможности платформы. <a

    We invite business partners in international legal business to cooperate. The KENT international club was established in 2013 on the island of.Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, in order to increase the income of its partners, using the platform’s capabilities. <a!



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  5. RUS
    GOLD8 Limited — это международная компания, зарегистрированная в Гонконге, осуществляющая инвестиционную деятельность, связанную с доверительным управлением на финансовых и криптовалютных рынках. Восьмёрка успешных трейдеров работает по проверенным стратегиям, обеспечивая стабильный доход с минимальными рисками. Ознакомиться <a

    GOLD8 Limited is an international company registered in Hong Kong that carries out investment activities related to trust management in the financial and cryptocurrency markets. Eight successful traders use proven strategies, providing stable income with minimal risks. <a


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